Don Walker

Don Walker

Don Walker, afternoons from 3-7pm on 96.3 ROV, featuring the Commercial Free Drive at 5!Full Bio


Japan Selling Toilet Paper Made From Used Diapers

DW: New saying - Different poop, same day.

This is the definition of recycling. A coalition involving the Japanese city of Shibushi and the neighboring town of Osaki started recycling disposable diapers last April and collected 98-tons of dirty diapers in the first two months. They were sanitized, bleached, and shredded into a pulp thatā€™s used to make toilet paper.

In those first two months, they made 30-thousand rolls, and now theyā€™re selling them for $2.70 per dozen rolls. This recycling makes sense, but dirty diapers are also now being used as an additive for concrete instead of sand. Thereā€™s apparently gold in them there diapers.

Source:Ā GoodNewsNetwork

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