Don Walker

Don Walker

Don Walker, afternoons from 3-7pm on 96.3 ROV, featuring the Commercial Free Drive at 5!Full Bio


International Space Station Deploys World’s First Satellite Made Of Wood

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Space technology has now advanced to the point that they’re using wood. An experimental satellite made of wood has now been deployed into orbit from the International Space Station to see how it holds up. Researchers will measure the response of LignoSat’s magnolia-wood body to the temperature swings and high radiation levels in orbit.

The satellite will circle the planet every 90 minutes. During that time, it’ll be exposed to temperatures as high as 250 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as minus 250 Fahrenheit every trip around the world. According to researcher Takao Doi, “If we can prove our first wooden satellite works, we want to pitch it to Elon Musk’s SpaceX.”


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