Don Walker

Don Walker

Don Walker, afternoons from 3-7pm on 96.3 ROV, featuring the Commercial Free Drive at 5!Full Bio



DW: I smell a weekend party theme!!!

Frothing watermelon, anyone? Various residents around the country are noticing the watermelons they pick up at the grocery store begin foaming through little cracks in the rind. The foaming melons, which come mostly from Florida, Arizona, California, Delaware, and Texas, are a sign the fruit is actively fermenting. This likely comes from the fact that the melons have been growing in higher than usual temperatures.

What exactly is happening? At some point in the growing process in one of those states, the melon picked up a bacteria, which combined with the natural sugars and yeast in the melon, cause fermentation. Is it safe to eat? Professor and food safety Kathy Savoie says no. “The foaming indicates a real food safety issue. People should not knowingly bring it into their home and certainly not eat it.”

Source: WGME

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