Maria Milito

Maria Milito

Maria Milito Is On Air Every Day To Rock The Airwaves! Don't Forget To Check Out Maria's Podcast 'Maria's Mutts And Stuff' On iHeartRadio.Full Bio


Please Don't Buy A Puppy or Kitten This Holiday Season!

It's the Holidays--our favorite time of year! Just some words of advice--it you're thinking of getting someone a puppy or kitten as a gift, it's probably NOT a good idea!
Pets are a big responsibility and if the receiver isn't up to the task, your gift might wind up in a shelter somewhere.

If you're thinking of adding a 4-legged BFF to your own household, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Adopt! There are so many puppies, dogs, kittens, and cats just waiting for a loving home to take them in. Pets in Shelters aren't damaged!!! They're just there because of circumstances beyond their control.

So...Please Adopt!!! You will never regret it, I promise! And Happy Holidays!! :) Maria

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