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Heavy rains expected from Tropical Storm Debby Thursday and Friday have caused several area school systems to delay the start of their school years until next Monday.
From our media partner ABC13 - WSET:
Nelson County
Thursday, August 8 was set to be the first day back in class for students in Nelson County. Now they're going to have to wait until Monday, according to a statement released by Nelson County Public Schools on Wednesday.
"After careful consideration and consultation with the National Weather Service experts and out of an abundance of caution, Nelson County Public Schools will delay the start of the school year until Monday, August 12, 2024," NCPS said.
Botetourt County
That decision was echoed by Botetourt County Public Schools, which announced the same delay: the first day of school is set for Monday, August 12 rather than the 8th.
"Decisions about extracurricular activities, including athletic practices, will be communicated by the schools," BCPS said in their statement.
Pittsylvania County
Division Superintendent Dr. Mark Jones with Pittsylvania County Schools said the schools in the county would be closed Thursday for inclement weather.
Jones said for now school is only closed for Thursday but more info will be released if they decide to also close Friday.
After beginning its first day of school on Wednesday, Danville Public Schools made the announcement it would be closed on Thursday, August 8, due to the weather.
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