National D-Day Memorial in Bedford to Commemorate D-Day 80th Anniversary

Photo: National D-Day Memorial

The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford is commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a series of events from Thursday, June 6 through Sunday, June 9.

The events begin on Thursday, June 6 with a special ceremony at 11:00 am.

The program will include recognition of D-Day and World War II veterans, several guest speakers, live music, history displays, photo exhibits and more.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin will lay a wreath and deliver remarks.

In addition, WWII-era aircraft will take to the sky over the Memorial.

The event on Thursday, June 6 is free and open to the public.

Later Thursday, at 6:15 pm in Downtown Bedford on the lawn of the Bedford County Courthouse, the annual public remembrance of the “Bedford Boys” will take place.

The ceremony will conclude with the ringing of the courthouse bell 20 times, once for each “Bedford Boy” killed on D-Day. 

The Thursday evening event is free and open to the public.

Friday, June 8 and Saturday, June 9 at 7:30 pm, the Memorial presents, "When We Went In: The D-Day Experience in Light and Sound," a program consisting of an opening concert followed by a spectacular display of light, imagery, and sound at dusk.

Tickets are required for the Friday and Saturday night events and are available at

On Sunday, June 9, "Soldiers and Sailors at Worship: A Field Chapel Service," an authentic 1944 worship service, will be held at the Memorial at 11:00 am.

There will be free admission to the Memorial from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm on Sunday, June 9.

For the complete schedule of events and for more information, please visit The National D-Day Memorial website.

And be sure to follow The National D-Day Memorial on Facebook.

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