Photo: First Fridays Roanoke
First Fridays Roanoke -- the Party With A Purpose -- has won two awards in Roanoker Magazine's 2023 "Best Of Awards."
The awards are: Gold for “Best Recurring Event” and Silver for “Best Local Charity Event.”
First Fridays, as the name says, happens from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm on the first Friday evening of the month through October, on Franklin Rd between Williamson Rd. and Jefferson St. in Downtown Roanoke.
In its 35th year, First Fridays features live music plus great food and beverages for those 21 and up.
Proceeds from each event go to supporting local Roanoke Valley charities.
The next First Fridays takes place Friday, May 5 with the band, 80z Nation!
Here's the schedule for the rest of 2023:
- June 2 - On The Border
- July 7 - Brightside
- August 4 - Fuzzy Logic
- September 1 - The Kings
- October 6 - The WORX
Tickets for each First Fridays event are just $5.00 at the gate. Must be 21 and up with proper I.D. to attend.
Please visit for more information!