Zoo Selling Tiger Urine For Arthritis Relief

DW: No thanks, I'll keep hurting.

The Yaan Bifengxia Wildlife Zoo, or “zoo in China” for short, has come up with a unique new thing to sell. The zoo is offering 250-gram bottles of “medicinal tiger urine” from Siberian tigers for $7 for its beneficial effects for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, and muscle pain. The zoo recommends mixing the urine with white wine and applying it to affected areas with ginger slices, but they say it can also be taken orally.

The apparently-drinkable tiger urine is collected from basins after the tigers produce it. Pharmacists are saying that tiger urine has no basis in medicine and, but the zoo staff says it has a valid business license to sell the urine. They also recommend that anyone who buys it stop using it if they have an allergic reaction.

Source: Republic World

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