Woman Makes Breast Milk Popsicles for Her Family to Enjoy

DW: Nope, I'll stick to toilet water thank you.

A mom named Leah from Ohio, came up with an interesting way to deal with her oversupply of breast milk. Since giving birth to her second son, she's been producing way more milk than he can drink, about 8 cups per day.  Leah explained that she likely created this oversupply by pumping every three hours right after her son was born, which made her body think it needed to produce more.

Not wanting it to go to waste, she experimented with different uses, like smoothies, butter, and soap, but found the fruit-flavored popsicles to be the best-tasting treat. Now, her kids and even her husband enjoy these popsicles, making sure none of that "liquid gold" goes to waste. Leah's husband thinks the milk is sweet, and she admitted she was also curious enough to taste it. Leah explained, "I'll only stop making them when my kids stop eating them!"

Of course, not everyone online gets it, and some people have left immature comments. Leah just brushes them off, boosting, "Breast milk is called liquid gold for a reason. It has so many benefits."  

Source: Dailymail

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