DW: This reminds me: you should always be courteous to your wait staff. Stop being a d-bag unless you like "floor burgers."

When a construction crew asks you to move, you move. Guys putting up scaffolding in the UK got revenge on a driver who refused to move from a parking spot where the crew was unloading 21 ft-long poles. However, Elliot Lockett, 23, refused to comply and even warned the guys he’d call "the law" on them.

So the crew exacted their retribution by erecting a scaffolding “barrier” around Lockett’s white Volkswagen so he really wouldn’t be able to move. Lockett was more than irritated upon seeing the prank, but the construction jokesters took the poles down after about 10 minutes, proud that they “played him at his own game.”

Source: Daily Star

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