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If you’d give anything to never have to clean your toilet again, you’re in luck! A group of scientists have developed a 3D-printed commode that’s so slippery, almost nothing can leave a mark. The potty was built by combining plastic, sand grains that repel water, and silicone oil, making it virtually “fecal-resistant”.

As convenient as it sounds to never scrub the bowl again, his toilet-of-the-future was developed with the environment in mind. “Developing a new method for the flushing toilet to minimize water consumption is of great importance,” says the team at China's Huazhong University of Science and Technology, adding, “Globally, toilet flushing alone consumes more than 141 billion liters of water per day, which is six times the African population's entire water consumption.” While the thrones aren’t on the market yet, researchers believe they’ll one day be standard in places like planes and trains.

Source: Daily Mail

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