Power Moves If You Want To Make That Ex Jealous

All of us have common experiences that bond us together. Having “the one that got away” is one of them. Of course, it could also be that you’re “the one that got away” for someone else. When you get dropped, for good reason or not, there’s always going to be that feeling that one day she’ll learn what she missed out on. That might lead you to shoot your shot and try to make her jealous. Here are some power moves to pull that off:

  • Stop Simping – She can’t miss you if you’re always up her butt.
  • You’re A Catch – If you don’t believe you’re amazing and she’s lucky to have you…she certainly won’t.
  • Reinvention – You’re an evolving beast. Act like it. Start working out, eating better, change your hair, get new clothes, or whatever else it takes to get you a next-level evolution.
  • Back Off Social Media – Life is to be lived. Not posting every damn thing you’re doing online makes people curious about what you’re doing, rather than creating the impression that you’re doing it all for the attention and accolades.
  • Excitement – Add some excitement to your life. Try a new adventure and get some spontaneity in your life. That’s the stuff you share on social media…but only in small doses.
  • Other Women – Assuming you’re still talking, ask her about another girl. That’ll stir up some feelings…and maybe some competitiveness.
  • Flirting – It’s a dirty play but flirting with someone else while she’s in the room is a powerful move. Just don’t be a dick by flirting with someone you’ve got no interest in just to get the reaction.
  • Delayed Response – If you get a text from her, wait it out. Don’t respond immediately. Even if you’re sitting in your place with your wang in your hand, it’ll create the impression that you’ve got other things to do.

Of course, the best response of all is moving on and living your life not caring about what someone who dropped you thinks. Living well is always the best revenge.

Source: Alpha M

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